My new Omnichord OM-27 from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
So how about that Vampire Weekend? I feel like they've been the biggest winners of 2010 so far, just because they're able to surprise everyone with music no one expected. You should assume that, myself being the music snob that I am, I should hate Vampire Weekend, but I really can't get enough of Cousins (though that and Horchata are the only songs I've hear off their new record). I say keep it up, Vampire Weekend, even if they are still doing pointless shows like MTV unplugged, I can't really say anything bad about them when they write good music.
I listened to Toro Y Moi's "Causers of This" 3 times yesterday. A very good record. Besides that I feel like I'm very behind right now. I haven't done any downloading in forever, because my hard drive is full and I haven't really gotten the time to figure out my new external (its 1.5 TB HOLY SHIT).
Satan Doll from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
A video of music / how to listen to it. If you really liked that song, which I know you did, here's the mp3. It has nothing to do with the jazz standard, "Satin Doll."