Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
cool x2
I've been spray painting a lot lately:
For those of you who
- Live in and around Hilton Head
- Read my blog
which is about 0 people - I've got a few gig this weekend @ the jazz corner with my newly assembled combo thing. Its me + Bob Masteller + a pianist and a bassist, whom both of which are recent graduates of Berkeley college of music. Its probably a one time thing, but its seriously really awesome playing with dudes this good. Its friday and saturday night at the jazz corner, and thursday night somewhere else...
come to this!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I went to a football game a week or two ago. I remember watching a lady type a text message that read, "uncle francis died this am......... funeral on wednesday."
I made a painting:
I sat in for the drummer at the Jazz Corner tonight. Played with some pro pro's and, that's always fun.
thanks for the picture, MOM
I made a painting:
for school...
I sat in for the drummer at the Jazz Corner tonight. Played with some pro pro's and, that's always fun.
thanks for the picture, MOM
There will be a BABYVILLE show on December 30th and January 1st at the Corner Perk. More news on that later, seeing as that's a while from now. My friend, IAN, is playing with us on the 30th as GALVARINO. Exciting.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
dulce suenos
NEW Jamboy tracks: They are more musical, especially the first one, yet still noisy. The second one was recorded live; the first one was not.
Latest tracks by JAMBOY
nerd alert
My last marching band season in high school / forever this year. Its almost over (one football game left) but I've taken my leadership duties this year and have written a couple of cadences for the drumline to cherish forever. These particular ones I am somewhat proud of and thank TestPatternHHI for catching it on camera.
"Eddy Special," named in honor of the appetizer at Fancy Q
"(BOOM) Roll Wit 'Em A.K.A. Forty Sedem," written by Ian, Tyler, and me this summer
"Fish Sticks"
"Eddy Special," named in honor of the appetizer at Fancy Q
"(BOOM) Roll Wit 'Em A.K.A. Forty Sedem," written by Ian, Tyler, and me this summer
"Fish Sticks"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
So, two friends of mine had to do a project for their teacher cadet class about a learning disability; theirs was bipolar disorder. When I heard that they could write a song about the disability, I asked them if I could do it, and decided to have some fun with it.
I wrote the melodies and played and recorded most the instruments; they wrote the lyrics and "sang" it.
Bipolar Dissonance by G N 8
Hopefully they got an 'A,' but, probably not.
I wrote the melodies and played and recorded most the instruments; they wrote the lyrics and "sang" it.
Bipolar Dissonance by G N 8
Hopefully they got an 'A,' but, probably not.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Creating a full page for my JAMBOY recordings. Particularly proud of these two:
Could Eat No Lean by JAMBOY
My Husband's Out of Town by JAMBOY
The first one was recorded LIVE this afternoon using the same setup as those previously blogged JAMBOY videos, except I've rearranged it a little bit and replaced the KP2 with a... KP3!!!
Latest tracks by JAMBOY
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A very sad thing it is to have no followers!
So! I followed myself.
If you were one of the 20 who were following my blog this morning, before I created a new e-mail address and resorted to a new blog url, please do yourself a favor and hit that button that says:
Gilmore by G N 8
So! I followed myself.
If you were one of the 20 who were following my blog this morning, before I created a new e-mail address and resorted to a new blog url, please do yourself a favor and hit that button that says:
While you're at it, enjoy my brand new cover of Weezer's 'Beverly Hills,' streaming instantly below:
Sunday, August 22, 2010
What should have happened
JAMBOY PT. 1 from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
JAMBOY PT. 2 from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
Continues 22 minutes! Watch back to back!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Imagine having to go here everyday, cept you're not Harry Potter and you basically have a grand total of zero friends that live with near you.
I started a new project recently called

(jamboy |ˈjamˌboi|nounAn unfortunate colored youth who smears oneself with jam to keep flies away from rich white folk on golf courses in hot eastern countries.)
I attempted to have my first jamboy 'show' today. It went somewhat terribly (expected). However, the upside is that I can work today's scenario into a screenplay for a new Michael Cera movie (By the way, have you seen Scott Pilgrim yet? Its incredible).
Jamboy's Day OutA Story
The young Jamboy is very excited to show off his brand new 'noise-dance' project on one hot summer day (covered in jam). Alas - when he arrives to the venue, he's greeted with bow and arrow wielding teenage military recruits. Luckily, the Jamboy drives a Jeep. However, the even bigger problem is that all the members of the crowd, honestly, have an average age of about 11 years. The Jamboy disregards that fact and the overall mind capacity of everybody surrounding him; he leaves his gear in a pile of dirt and tries to fall asleep in the midst of that one girl attempting to sing that one song that she doesn't remember the name of for maybe 20 dollars. But wait! That dick Magic Mark! He won't shut up about that fucking Ugly Dog contest! God, if only the Jamboy had enough jam to shove down the parrot's throat, sitting on that dirty pirate's shoulder. However, if he had, he would have none to bring home to ma and pa. The day passes and soon enough, our hero finds himself on the stage. The stage is fucking dirty! Comments about socks and certain amounts of decibels are made and show begins. Five minutes later, a mysterious figure arrives on stage behind the Jamboy. Of course, its that dick Magic Mark and his fucking boa constrictor! He explains, "We're cutting you; the watermelons are getting warm," of course for the sake of the ever so legendary watermelon eating contest. The Jamboy says, "Ok." What he really meant to say was, "We all have minds as wide as toothpicks here and have no appreciation for any art form that isn't AC/DC, kay?" The Jamboy spared Magic Mark and his sweaty watermelons and went home.
On a serious note, I recorded some music (with video too - OOH) and will post it soon. Just the file is 600mb and is 22 minutes long with out any breaks... Soooooo... Yeah.
I attempted to have my first jamboy 'show' today. It went somewhat terribly (expected). However, the upside is that I can work today's scenario into a screenplay for a new Michael Cera movie (By the way, have you seen Scott Pilgrim yet? Its incredible).
Jamboy's Day OutA Story

On a serious note, I recorded some music (with video too - OOH) and will post it soon. Just the file is 600mb and is 22 minutes long with out any breaks... Soooooo... Yeah.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
free time
Phanny Pack by G N 8
Just trying out new stuff in Ableton. By the way, just updated my package to ABLETON SUITE 8.1.4.! It has so many presets! However, I made this beforehand, solely using samples I either had on my hard drive or had already recorded, (all the drums, most of the midi synths are sample based, e.g.).
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Here's my cover of Weezer's 'The Sweater Song" with the ability to stream instantly:
If you listened, well, thanks. Did you like it?
I just watched Eraserhead a little bit ago. I couldn't stand it. I don't know how I made it though the whole thing.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Spontaneous Composition
The boredom begins...
Trying to save my short time left in summer. And I've basically got a week to myself, with my parents in New York, and most of my friends in Harry Potter World. Sorta...
I did

today. I used one of those safety pamphlets they keep in the chairs of airplanes and some sharpies.
Hang In There Buddy

1. cardboard from a package of water bottles
2. material from a basketball shaped pillow
3. spray paint and not spray paint
4. nick nacks
Gave it my sister, to put in her cubicle, because apparently that place isn't fun? Or... you can just put it anywhere.
I kinda like making "stupid" artwork.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Expedition to Pitchfork Music Festival 2010
Woke up around 3 am. Drove from Cola to Charlotte to catch a plane to Atl, then to Chicago.
Meet sibling(s) for lunch, followed by:
-Robyn (Very cool; after that, I think a Robyn workout tape is in order)
-Modest Mouse
Very long day.
Got some french toast fantasy for breakfast. Then:
-Real Estate
-Titus Andronicus
-Raekwon (Brought out some surprise guests to dance to some classic Wu Tang songs; cute)
-The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
-Panda Bear
-LCD SOUNDSYSTEM (Best dance party, ever)
Meanwhile at the fest, a photographer found me and labeled me as "the most fashionable dude (he's) seen all day." Thus producing this:

Bagels for breakfast. Then:
-Best Coast (Only talked about weed and all things vulgar)
-Washed Out (A true chill bra chill - kept asking the crowd how chill they were feeling)
-Local Natives
-LIGHTNING BOLT (I came home with a forehead bruise! Still can't believe how crazy it was)
-Surfer Blood
-St. Vincent
-Here We Go Magic
-Major Lazer (OH My GOWd)
-Neon Indian (Most cool stuff / denim on stage)
-Big Boi (had the same special guests to come up during a TON of old school Outkast songs)
-Sleigh Bells (Shortest set :/ )
I just got home home a few hours ago, being tuesday night. Already miss em / it. Already some what sick of the island again. Twas a fun weekend.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
lookee here
This afternoon, after a good mindless rummaging through my closet, I became reunited with a teeny lost object shoved underneath some jeans and a box of toys. It was my 9x14 cm moleskine sketchbook guy. I had this thing, sometime in the midst of sophomore year, like two years ago now, and filled it with doodles and visual mind drools until it was lost and forgotten.
ANYWAYS, here's some scans:

(only 3 days till p4k)
Monday, July 12, 2010
its called rock 'n roll, mom
I recorded some sounds yesterday. Not really any music, unless, maybe if you're deaf and have very strong patience for things that are dumb. The whole file is about 30 minutes long, without any breaks, so I couldn't put it up to stream any where, but if you're extremely dedicated here's a link to the download:
These sounds were made originally, when Brady and I tried to jam a few days ago, and realized we had no instrument cables. So we put a mic into an amp, and played some things into that. Thanks errybody.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
hair gel
I went to JAZZ KAMP at FSU for a week, a few weeks ago. It was fun.
the cool parts:

the not cool parts:
I mean, who can really deal with kids like that, besides themselves? Jazz is stupid. Its fun, but stupid.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Back from the slums, it be the Wu
I seem to go on blogging hiatuses and kind of just let everything I need to blog about pile up.

Anyways, first thing to mention:

On Tuesday, June 29, I will be performing at the corner perk in Bluffton (next to Monster Pizza). It starts with OOPS (I've made a whole new show up for us, its going to be real wacky)
followed by BABYVILLE, whom I'm pretty sure only myself and one other person in the world has heard this. Its Kieran Daly on lead everything and should be real excite. And headlining is good ol' YMC. I guess we'll be playing pretty alright too.
Coincidentally, I'm in all 3 bands. Why?
Hopefully, I'll get someone to take some pictures or something. I'm really excited, its my first show like this in a long long time, so come out! A show this interesting may never happen again!
Now I know its kind of dumb to blog about high school art projects, but since school's been out, I've gone through these projects and thought that at least these ideas were particularly funny or just something I would've done for fun. Which, in a way, is sort of what. Can't say I really got good grades on these, because I never always did what was asked.
This is a Black Santa Claus transforming into a Neapolitan Ice Cream Cone
An alphabet in the shape of Cats in Jars
And the rest
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I did another project for school, involving me making a video. This is for math class, and has little to do with math, but its freaking awesome.
A RHYTHMIC OPTION from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
By the way, I got A's on both of these projects.
Now its time for me to jam (YMC's back in town, woo!).
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
2nd installment of our movie projects, for Mr. A's film class. Its not as legendary as A WHEELY IMPORTANT ADVENTURE, but its still funny.
A REALLY TURKEY ADVENTURE PART 1 from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
PART 2A REALLY TURKEY ADVENTURE PART 2 from Garrett Burke on Vimeo.
Everyone liked it at school. Hoorah.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Its one of those 3-poop days...
I guess you can call this a collage, or my admittance to the chicago scrapbooking festival... cause that exists.
I did this while bored at work:
Magazine clipping, papertowel, scotch tape, stamp ink

Andy Jams
So my friend, Andy, or Andrew, plays piano, amongst other things. He always plays these little Andy-Compositions (or Andy-diddies, rather) in the band room. We also never really jam with him. So in the midst of of plotting our second movie project (sequel to 'A Wheely Important Invention' for you veteran Nwwt Bwwts readers) I told him, "yo andy, I wan das songs."
Andy 1 by G N 8
Andy 2 by G N 8
Andy 3 by G N 8
SO Brady and I 'recorded' it. Along with accompaniment from myself on drums, and Brady on guitar (though inaudible, in is case).
Here they are:
Andy 1 by G N 8
Andy 2 by G N 8
Andy 3 by G N 8
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Here's some things:

Prom was fun. I bought two packs of mustaches for all the guys. Errybody was lookin real purdy.
Played some things. Here's a cool pictures, courtesy of my pal Brady.
He takes the coolest of em.
Saw a giant rainbow today.
This is my last month of school for this year. I've been mega busy with this stuff, but plus that stuff too. After all the tests and jive, I'ma planning on giving myself a pretty good summer. Then I will wish everyone good tidings and continue with one more year of high school.
I started playing trumpet. I ain't good at it.
I got my omnichord back. It's not fixed. :( However, I am glad to find out that it wasn't my fault, it being broken. The adapter I used to power, which had thought killed it, though it did actually kill it, it should not have, to my and most american's knowledge. There was something weird with it, like the power part was reversed compared to most electronic things, but seeing as it was made in 1980's Japan, it was too unruly to fix. Not really sure what I'm gonna do with it really.
Speaking of eBay, I almost made another purchase this week. I was watching a video of the Gorillaz on the Colbert Report. This one. Anyways, the keyboardist has got this rack of synths and stuff, and let me tell you - I'm obsessed with analog synthesizers. I've been trying for the longest time to find one for a reasonable price. So whenever I see one in action, I go look it up. This one is called the Korg MS2000; it usually goes for like $600-700. I saw one on eBay, that day, for $200. So I nearly freaked, and declared that I must have it. To make a long story short, I lost it. I wasn't home when the auction ended (ahem, school) though I was the highest bidder when I left. It still only went for $320 though. I'm upset.
I got a real version of Ableton (FINALLY). The one I had during the 1st republic (the time period before the hard drive revolution (I've got my AP Euro test in two days; I'm into calling things by names like that)) was mega faulty and... well, it was stolen. The one I got now, yeah its got less instruments, and I've gotta spend time putting all my old projects back together (thanks for summer), but this one's got so much more audio effects. I've got my reverb so outta control (or extremely controlled, rather) that every snare sounds like a freaking gunshot. It rocks!
Everything is making me more and more excited for this summer. i.e. new releases: LCD soundsystem, wolf parade, broken social scene, and erryone else...
I was gonna post a jam we recorded this week, but internet's too sloooooooowwwwwwWWWW.
So I'll do that tomorrow.
Friday, April 16, 2010
So today kinda felt like how I expect all my weekends to be next year, having my all friends out of town for most of the day.
Cons: Well, that sucks!
Pros: How did Yannie get so good at guitar? How Ian get good at drums? By not having friends duh! So I'll have more time to do stuff like this... which is what I did today:
My cover of Best Coast's "When I'm With You." Pretttty gay right?
When I'm With You (Best Coast cover) by G N 8
Yeah, it's pretty slop slop, but I don't really care. There's only three tracks, being
1. Guitar/Vocals recorded at the same time (I'm such a terrible singer)
2. Drums
3. Synthesizer
And I didn't really change anything from the original Best Coast recording, except for the fact that the guitar solo turned into a messy synth solo... and I'm not a girl, I guess.
Well, there ya go.
Cons: Well, that sucks!
Pros: How did Yannie get so good at guitar? How Ian get good at drums? By not having friends duh! So I'll have more time to do stuff like this... which is what I did today:
My cover of Best Coast's "When I'm With You." Pretttty gay right?
When I'm With You (Best Coast cover) by G N 8
Yeah, it's pretty slop slop, but I don't really care. There's only three tracks, being
1. Guitar/Vocals recorded at the same time (I'm such a terrible singer)
2. Drums
3. Synthesizer
And I didn't really change anything from the original Best Coast recording, except for the fact that the guitar solo turned into a messy synth solo... and I'm not a girl, I guess.
Well, there ya go.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Brain warp
When I try to open iTunes on my computer, this happens:

Its because, on my computer... iTunes doesn't exist! Shocking! Alas - it is intended!
I have realized after my recent computer crash, that having so much music directly on my hard drive is too much of a load (being on the verge of 6000+ mp3's). I have also realized that my iPod can hold 160GB and my external drive can hold 1.5tb. That's enough space to last me forever.
So there, I have removed all music (cept for the music I record and work on directly on my computer... duh) from my computer and with it iTunes - yet, still having a 2nd iTunes on external, and being able to sync my iPod from there.
Now, also with so much space, I don't have to worry about deleting songs and conserving space. I recovered all the bad music I have ever downloaded - dating back from middle school.
I don't know what exactly is on my iPod anymore, cept a lot of stuff. Let's stay, if someone asks for a random My Chemical Romance song, sadly, I'll probably have it.
I took part in performing as a backstage musician in some community musical theatre this week. It was easy money, kind of fun.
I'm also playing in some event at the high school this month. In such event, my elite musical comrades, being Yannie + Billy, and I will be a backing band for several teenage vocalists performing pop songs of the year 1969. It'll be fun the night of the show, because the three of us make a real killer jam, and we get to do almost whatever we want on stage in front of the whole school. Its just annoying now, because I have to deal with douchebags and doucheteachers - the likes of which I care less for than anyone else. And I also have to learn like 30 songs, that I've never really listened to before. No biggie, though.
My parents were out tonight. We had some pizza dough in the freezer. I made some pizza. I've never done that before. Pretty proud of myself actually. It looked like this before I ate it:

How about that...

Yeah. I bought two of my sister's and my tickets for all three days this week. Wolf Parade, Washed Out, Neon Indian, Lightning Bolt, Raekwon, St. Vincent... I'm gonna die as soon as I see Spencer Krug in person, I know it.
I've never really read books in my life before this year. This past month, however, I read three. I like doing that, think I'll do it more. This week I started Breakfast of Champions. All my sister's have pretty big bookshelves, so I looked at one, and saw the word 'Kurt Vonnegut,' and considered it safe. Then I noticed it had illustrations - considered that very safe.
Last week, I noticed a date on which I was born. I turned 17 years of age. In practice of gift-giving, a very close friend of mine bought me a thing to use. It was an instrument called a Melodica. Its basically a keyboard you blow through, a.k.a. the coolest freaking thing on Earth. I like it a lot. Here's an image:

Before my month long internet hiatus, I basically had no keyboard to play. I consider that a pretty big flaw, considering that I own a copious amount of music makers, and a keyboard is a pretty basic one. Anyways I did have a 25 key oxygen 8 controller - which is useless sans computer. So my good friend and comrade, Ian, had a similar dilemma. His keyboard was too big for his dorm room, where my was too small for my liking. Thus, we traded. Unfair? Ha! Yeah! Its even weighted! Woo! The big one looks like this:

The teeny keyboard below the big M-audio 88, is a Yamaha PSR-2. Its a hella old pint sized keyboard that I took for the back of the band room. No one really knew it was there, and I was probably the only one who thought that that crappy dusty broken keyboard thing was really awesome. Alas - it works! And its sounds very tight (I stole it).
So I guess you can say in a matter of a few weeks, I went from zero keyboard instruments, to about 3 nice ones, whilst spending no moneys.
So Eric Wareheim is basically one of my favorite directors / funny people, and HEALTH is one of my favorite bands. So what happens when they work together? Magic.
I leave you and your accomplished self tonight with this: HEALTH's "We Are Water."
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